1. Why should I use ASCCI BEE Portal?
Procurement managers and their designated staff are able to quickly identify pre-validated BBBEE suppliers with the potential to supply manufactured components.
2. What must the company produce to be included on the ASCCI portal?
Within the automotive supply chain there is a need for virtually all types of manufactured product. If you are black-owned manufacturer you need to be in the database.
3. How is ASCCI BEE Portal different from classified advertising & listing sites?
The ASCCI portal is free and is focused on the needs of the automotive sector. It is the first place that buyers and procurement officers in the automotive supply chain will look for potential black-owned suppliers.
4. Can we transact through the portal?
NO. The portal introduces potential purchasers to potential suppliers. It does not support or facilitate any commercial transactions.
5. Will suppliers and customers be able to rate each other?
Yes. Procurement managers are encouraged to make use of the feedback function on the site. Similarly, suppliers are encouraged to rank the company to which they supplied manufactured components.